Tuesday, August 25, 2009


With the launch of our new website www.miraclebeginnings.com.au, I have been overwhelmed with the beautiful response, impact and praise.

The emails, the hugs, the text messages......all so special.

When creating the website, I wrote from my heart. The mission was to be honest and real which would then allow others to do the same. From the emails, I have received, I know the mission has been completed.

Just this week, I was dropping Kye off to kindy and one of his teachers came running out the classroom to congratulate me. She has always been very special to our family as she also looked after Hanna for her first three years of kindy/schooling. She told me how much this website is needed for women and the community of "Sistahood". The special teacher told me how much she loved the "Spirit" section and how this information is needed for woman, especially mothers. We ended with a huge hug and a smile that connected the Sistahood.

If you look at the website, its truly what its all about. Women looking after women. Why do we have to be in competition with other women or compare ourselves with the result always feeling undeserving.

Let's support each other. Let's listen to each other. We are all missing the connection when we babble on about ourselves or gossip. The missing connection, if noticed, could change a woman's life. Just by being genuinely interested in what she has to say about herself.

Take time to nurture the Sistahood - as in turn it will nurture you.

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